Precision Agriculture

What are the advantages of Precision Agriculture?

Precision agriculture deals with the study of the spatial variability of the factors that affect the crop, to carry out sustainable agricultural management, thus achieving economic, environmental, and social advantages.

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Our Blog

  • 15/10/2024 - wise-irrisystem 0 Comments



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  • 23/02/2024 - Gabriel Camhi 0 Comments
    Precision Irrigtion

    For many farmers, "Precise Irrigation (PI)" means using sensors to
    get data regarding the soil moisture and other variables.
    What they miss is that behind "PI" there is a comprehensive
    methodology that:
    1. Analyse the variability of the factors that determine the irrigation
    regime, such as the soil, climate, topography etc. to design the
    project extent.
    2. Analyse the information needs of the farmer to recommend what
    sensors he needs.
    3. Provide the equipment, the tools needed to interpret the data
    provided by the sensor to enable decision making.
    4. Capacitation and follow up until the full assimilation of the

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  • 13/10/2023 - Gabriel Camhi 0 Comments
    Nuevas ofertas

    Estimados clientes de Wise;

    Es MUY importante el mantenimiento correcto de los tensiómetros una vez retirados del cultivo. Hay que limpiarlos correctamente y mantener las CERAMICAS en HUMEDAD. Las cerámicas con el tiempo y el uso van perdiendo sus propiedades , y esto afecta directamente a las mediciones detectando  bajadas y subidas inexplicables de tensión. Por ello se RECOMIENDA EL CAMBIO DE LAS CERAMICAS CADA DOS AÑOS según indicaciones del fabricante.

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  • 02/10/2023 - Gabriel Camhi 0 Comments
    The use of Eto and sensors complement each other

    Following the comments received in relation to the previous post about the advantages and disadvantages of using Eto vs. using sensors for irrigation decisions, in situations where the use of one excludes the use of the other, I added this post to clarify that in reality both complement each other.

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  • 21/09/2023 - Gabriel Camhi 0 Comments
    Using evapotranspiration as a reference for making irrigation decisions

    Using evapotranspiration as a reference for making irrigation decisions has advantages and disadvantages that farmers should consider:

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  • 04/09/2023 - Gabriel Camhi 0 Comments
    Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: A Simple Guide

    Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: A Simple Guide

    In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, there's a game-changing technology that's revolutionizing the way we cultivate crops – Artificial Intelligence (AI). Don't let the term intimidate you; implementing AI in agriculture can be simpler than you might think, and the rewards are substantial. Let's take a journey through the steps of integrating AI into our farms.

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  • 07/07/2023 - Gabriel Camhi 0 Comments
    Management irrigation evolution

    The correct implementation of the precision irrigation methodology, apart from generating direct benefits to the farmer, can also benefit the reduction of investment in the irrigation system.


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  • 01/03/2023 0 Comments
    Irrigation control through the use of information

    Agriculture accounts for almost 70% of the annual water supply.

    In 2050, it is expected that it will be necessary to increase the demand for this resource by 55% to maintain the food needs of our growing world population.

    European agriculture uses 73,000 hm3 of water each year, of which it could reduce up to 70% by avoiding transport losses, applying precision irrigation techniques, and reducing food waste, in a circular economy scenario.

    In the digitalization of agriculture in general, and in the management of irrigation water in particular, more and more technology is available to the Smart Farmer.

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  • 19/08/2022 0 Comments
    The importance of VPD in Cannabis cultivation

    What is VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit)?

    VPD is the amount of water vapor needed at a given time to saturate the atmosphere. It refers to the evaporative capacity of the air.
    The VPD value represents the difference between the amount of water vapor that the atmosphere can retain (which depends on temperature) and the amount of water vapor contained in it at a given time (relative humidity). It is normally measured in kilopascals (kPa).

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  • 19/08/2022 0 Comments
    The barriers to entry to precision agriculture

    According to a report by McKinsey & Company, if our world continues to develop as it is, our demand for crops will at least double by 2050. As a result, there is increasing pressure on food producers and the shift towards crop farming techniques. Accuracy is becoming vital due to changing circumstances.

    The United States was one of the first countries to start using such techniques in 1998. Since then, soil and crop monitoring, variable rate input applications, and tractor guidance systems have become increasingly widespread. There is evidence that these tools were adopted in 45 percent to 55 percent of the land in 2010-2013.

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  • 19/08/2022 0 Comments
    The importance of training for the implementation of technologies

    In a previous post we pointed out the importance of information to achieve efficient irrigation.

    In the current post we will emphasize the importance of training to assimilate the use of information and its interpretation in the process of making irrigation decisions.

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  • 30/06/2022 0 Comments
    The importance of information for efficient irrigation

    What is already the norm in the industry: measure, quantify, relate, and decide, is a necessity in agriculture.

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  • 03/06/2022 0 Comments
    The importance of information for efficient irrigation

    All these methods are valid, for the mere fact that they have yielded results. But with what precision?

    Generally the perception of soil moisture by the farmer is biased since he does not see what happens below the surface, which leads to overwatering.

    An efficient irrigation is an irrigation that allows to create and maintain in the soil an adequate water balance between water, air and soil particles, thus avoiding unnecessary stress of the plant, either by root asphyxia, or by deficit irrigation. Avoiding this stress, the plant achieves energy savings that are manifested in an increase in quality and production and greater environmental efficiency.

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  • 22/03/2022 0 Comments
    The Water Footprint for Skeptics

    What do we count in the calculation of the Water Footprint (HH)?

    In the first level how much water we apply to the crop, from pre-sowing to harvesting. We know this through the water meter. But this is not all, since this volume applied to the crop, we must subtract the volume of water that returns to the aquifer through drainage.

    From here we can already understand that the Water Footprint is composed of the amount of water used for the production of a product, or service, that does not return to the "original source", in this case to the corresponding aquifer.

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  • 22/02/2022 0 Comments
    Accumulation of heat units

    Plants respond to a life cycle - "phenological states", such as germination, vegetative state, flowering, fruiting, winter rest (in trees).

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